Go Green And Stay Green With Faux Lawns

While 2020 has been a year full of conflict and uncertainty,many of us have had the pleasure of staying home more than we are accustomed to. Subsequently, home projects have been on the rise, and working on our properties and landscapes have given us new insight.


Labor Intensive & Costly Landscapes

Yard work can be an awfully laborious chore that can leave anyone sweating from the severity of the heat and elements. Because yard work is such a hassle, it has left many of us trying to think of ways to avoid doing it. While you could pay for lawn services to perform weekly maintenance of your yard for you, many of these services can run you out of pocket and become quite costly. 


An Option To Traditional Lawns

Artificial grass has seen a spike in popularity as of late, and for good reason. Artificial grass requires little to no maintenance making it drastically easier to care for than traditional lawns. Natural yards can contract diseases and develop health issues, resulting in more money and time spent continually on them. 


Faux Grass Has Zero Health Issues

Faux yards cannot contract any diseases, die from environmental and weather conditions, or fall victim to weeds and pests which in turn saves you money and time. They also don’t require any pesticides or fertilizers like natural grass. Because fake yards aren’t alive, you don’t have to worry about them dying so they require much less hands-on care. 


Little Maintenance 

Traditional lawns require constant cutting and trimming. They also require a great deal of watering and nutrients. Keeping up with the constant care needed for living grasses will begin to wear you down and consume all of your time and money. Faux grass will help you save all the money you spent on lawn care as it cuts it out of the equation.


Dependable Beauty

Another pro from having an artificial lawn is that it always looks good, year-round. Most yards will go through phases of looking ruff and worn down. It normally requires a lot of maintenance to revive ill lawns. Fake grass will always stay green without constant water or fertilizer. 


Keeping Clean

Artificial yards also don’t have dirt and bugs which will help to keep your house clean. Real grass yards can track in all sorts of mud and bugs getting them all over your home. Also, most artificial yards have built-in drainage systems preventing any types of flooding, preventing any damage to your home or property. 


Making The Change

It is known that normal yards require lots of unnecessary work which is why the smart decision would be to replace your yard with artificial grass and enjoy the benefits. Saving on time, energy, water waste, and money, as well as helping the environment through discontinued chemical use make artificial turf a wise decision. 

Texas Custom Turf will help you go green and stay green with faux grass lawns. Call today to find out how we can help your landscape work for you.